Johannes Müller & Sons LTD· Neuengasse 38 · CH-3001 Bern ·
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Accessories, Catalogs: Coin capsules (CH coins)
Diameter 16mm
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

1 centime

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: in stock

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket

Diameter 18mm
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

5 centimes

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: in stock

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket

Diameter 19mm
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

1/2 franc

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: in stock

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket

Diameter 19.5mm
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

10 centimes
10 francs Goldvreneli

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: please inquire

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket

Diameter 21.5mm
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

2 centimes
20 centimes
20 francs gold coins (Helvetia, Vreneli)

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: please inquire

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket

Diameter 24mm
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

1 franc

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: in stock

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket

Diameter 28mm
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

2 francs

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: in stock

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket

Diameter 32mm
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

5 francs (from 1931)

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: in stock

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket

Diameter 33mm
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

5 francs (bimetall)
10 francs commemorative coin
20 francs commemorative coin

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: in stock

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket

Diameter 37.0mm, 10 pcs
Capsules made of high quality, scratchproof plexiglass, suitable for:

5 francs (until 1928)

Packaging unit: 10 pieces
Manufacturer: Leuchtturm

Availability: in stock

CHF 6.90  incl. 8.1% VAT

Into the basket


Accessories, Catalogs:
· Numismatic Literature
· Coin holders
· Coin capsules (CH coins)
· Coin capsules (all sizes)
· Coin Albums NUMIS
· Coin boxes
· Magnifiers
· Cleaning

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CHF 0.00
> Basket

Plus CHF 10.00 delivery charge
From CHF 200.00 free of charge
Prices include VAT (gold excl.)

Grading (description):
f: fine
vf: very fine
ef: extremely fine
unc: uncirculated
bu: brilliant uncirculated
prf: proof

Information prices:
bold: available from stock
red highlight: available on request

Abbreviations and symbols:
CP: Collectors price
FV: Face value
VM: Value of materials
Abarten  Year of issue with varieties
Fälschung  Counterfeits in circulation
gleichstehend  obverse and reverse aligned
kopfstehend  obverse and reverse inverted
  edge lettering to right
  edge lettering to left

Echtgeld AG Echtgeld AG
Verlag Johannes Müller